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retroNOMICS is dead, long live RETROnomics

Pursuing a career is nice, but also has some drawbacks. One of them is that I write much less often on my blog now and that I will have to change the characteristic of this blog. I already do economics stuff for a living now, and, as my economically skilled readers know, a price for a good or service is determined at the margin. After 9 hours of economics a day, the cost of having me writing down my economic genius for another hour or so is high. Moreover, contrary to my daytime job, I do not receive remuneration for this.

On the positive side (for readers of my blog), I will continue to use this blog to promote things that have come out of fashion, just like sober economics. But this time I will concentrate on cultural aspects like cars from the 1950s, older music and other things that we can associate with “retro”. Of course, I will try to put some economics in it when it’s possible.

Hope you’ll enjoy it.

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