Tag Archive | Japan

Here It Comes

High inflation in Japan is becoming more probably as of late, as discussions emerge about the Bank of Japan monetizing government debt (Bloomberg article). I wrote about third, and last, phase of the Japanese “Debt Miracle” before (see here).

破産を遷延する - Japanese Bankruptcy

The Japanese title translates to “delaying bankruptcy”. Japan is know for its huge amount of government debt. Everyone seems to be baffled by the fact that the Japanese government is still alive, even though its debt share surpasses 200% of GDP by now.

My Debt Ratings vol.2

It’s time to renew my debt ratings again. I changed China’s status from A to B because signs have appeared that my fears of future banking problems may become true. Further, I added Brazil and Japan. The latter was somehow hard to categorize. I decided that Japan’s debt problems are huge but not unsolvable yet. […]

Apocalypse 2010

If you have got time, read this, and this. If you haven’t, here is a short summary (please, take a seat, you might feel dizzy after reading the numbers): – European countries will issue $1 trillion debt this year alone – Japan will have to roll over $2.4 trillion of debt this year and she […]


Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen, diesen Blog eines jungen deutschen Ingenieurs, der in Japan arbeitet, zu lesen. Einige Storys sind schlicht zum ROFLn (also sehr lustisch). Hier die meiner Meinung nach lustigsten Storys: Alljährlicher Pflichtcheck im Krankenhaus Kommunikatives Chaos bei der Poststelle Kommunikatives Chaos II Schock bei der Rückkehr nach Deutschland

Japanese Fastfood (弁当)

Japan is crazy about food. You think France is gourmet’s land? Think again. The Japanese spend the highest percentage of GDP (over 20%) on food of every developed country, including France. The diversity you get in Japan is astonishing. They don’t have everything, e.g. it’s hard to get German food like dark bread. Still, you […]

Japan Is Going To Inflate Big-Time

Which country has the most irresponsible government in the OECD? Greece? Portugal? USA? No, you are far off, it’s Japan. The land of the rising debt has already accumulated a $10 trillion pile of debt (that is almost as much as what the USA produces in one year of goods and services). Recently the government […]

Beim japanischen Friseur/Coiffeur - 床屋

Ich war heute das erste Mal in Japan beim Friseur und ich glaub’ ich habe immer noch ein blödes Grinsen im Gesicht. So ein Grinsen, das man hat, wenn die eigene Zahlungsbereitschaft viel niedriger lag, als der subjektive Wert der Leistung, die man erhalten hat. Aber bevor ich alle Details erzähle zähle ich erstmal auf, […]