Tag Archive | PIIGS

Debt Crisis Update

It’s time for an update on the sovereign debt front. Contrary to what politicians want you to believe, analyzing and understanding the sovereign debt crisis is not that difficult. The WWW is a wonderful source of economic data. Everybody with a computer and internet connection can go to Eurostat.org and download all the data you […]

I Told You So

Here’s what I said one year ago: What is so great about the “Bazooka”? It does nothing to reduce the amount of debt that is going to be in circulation. It doesn’t guarantee debt that is already in circulation. It doesn’t guarantee debt that will be sold to private investors. The real weapon is the […]

They Never Learn…

It seems that the ECB is going to raise interest rates soon although many people question this move, as inflation seems to be mainly up due to external factors that the ECB cannot influence, like rising oil and food prices, which are driven by strong demand from Emerging Markets. Furthermore, growth in the Euro Zone […]

Eurokrise: weiterhin im Zeitplan

Wie ich schon hier und hier vor einem halben Jahr geschrieben habe, ist an der jetzigen Entwicklung in Irland, Portugal und Griechenland nichts überraschendes. – Irland bekommt EU-Hilfen noch vor Ende 2010? Check. – Alle irischen Sparpläne sind so aussichtlos, dass nicht mal Herr Zwegat helfen könnte? Check.

Bitte anschnallen, es könnte holprig werden!

Die Medien und die meisten Politiker haben die “Eurokrise” schon abgehakt, dabei geht’s jetzt erst so richtig los. Dieser Artikel zeigt, dass die im Umlauf befindliche Geldmenge in Griechenland, Irland und Spanien bereits wieder kräftig schrumpft. Offenbar ziehen Investoren und Anleger ihre Gelder aus den krisengefährdeten Staaten ab.

Ein Schrecken ohne Ende

My Name Is Bond, Junk Bond

What has changed with the €500 billion EU bailout package? Not much. Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and maybe even Italy, are still on track to debt madness. Their debt ratios and budget deficits will look even worse in three years from now. As markets rightfully anticipated last week, debt restructuring still looms at the horizon […]