Tag Archive | Inflation

Die EZB versagt

Die EZB-Geldpolitik ist zuwenig inflationär. Deshalb rutschen die durch Schuldenberge belasteten Euroländer wieder in eine Rezession, die einige dieser Länder vermutlich früher oder später in die Pleite treiben wird. Man darf nicht vergessen, dass die EZB sich bei ihren geldpolitischen Entscheidungen an der wirtschaftlichen Lage der gesamten Eurozone orientieren muss. Wie sieht es dort aus? […]

NGDP Targeting >> Inflation Targeting

Marcus Nunes wrote this excellent analysis of why NGDP Targeting works better than the well-established Inflation Targeting. To put it in layman’s terms, inflation targeting over-stimulates booms and does not react strong enough to downturns. This is because it focuses only on price inflation, not on output growth. The Federal Reserve has a so-called “dual […]

NGDP targeting FTW!

So, support for NGDP targeting finally seems to grow. It wouldn’t solve the basic problem that we (the Western world) suffer from too much regulation, a stricken financial system, and too much debt. So I wouldn’t bet on NGDP targeting increasing long-term growth or lowering long-term unemployment rates much. But it could surely help us […]

Für und Wider NBIP-Targeting

Schlaue Leute sollte es nicht überraschen, dass das ökonomische Analphabetentum in Deutschland dazu führt, dass man mit einfachen Floskeln und Parolen besser bei der Öffentlichkeit punkten kann. So kommt es dann, wie hier gezeigt wird, seltenst zu einer ernsthaften Auseinandersetzung damit, was eigentlich ökonomisch sinnvoll oder machbar ist. Bei der Geldpolitik gehen die allermeisten Leute […]

Here It Comes

High inflation in Japan is becoming more probably as of late, as discussions emerge about the Bank of Japan monetizing government debt (Bloomberg article). I wrote about third, and last, phase of the Japanese “Debt Miracle” before (see here).

Der Weg in die Knechtschaft

Wieder einmal habe ich zwei Beispiele gefunden, an denen man die fortschreitende Gängelung der Bürger durch Staaten erkennen kann.

Are Markets Expecting Greece To Leave The Euro?

I still can’t get my head around this: Greece’s inflation rate (HT @global-rates.com) has literally been soaring in the last 18 months although the economy never really exited recession. As Edward Hugh’s PMI graph shows, demand in the Greek economy has been faltering thoughout 2010. In other words, the recession is still as strong as […]

Debunking Economic Baloney

In his recent post, Scott Sumner puts conservative populist economic theory through the mills, and hardly anything of all the populist arguments is left intact. I agree with everything he writes, and I am certainly not a leftist (nor is Scott). It just shows that there is a whole lot of theoretical nonsense going on […]

破産を遷延する - Japanese Bankruptcy

The Japanese title translates to “delaying bankruptcy”. Japan is know for its huge amount of government debt. Everyone seems to be baffled by the fact that the Japanese government is still alive, even though its debt share surpasses 200% of GDP by now.

Inflation Can Cause Recessions

Yesterday, Paul Krugman called someone “The Worst Economist” because that person said that inflation could cause recessions. Oh Paul oh Paul, even though you are a Nobel Prize winner, you are wrong this time. Let’s go this through, step by step: